Thursday, October 15, 2009

Josh is Moving from the ICU

The doctors have decided that Josh is well enough to be moved from the ICU. They are moving Josh to a room on the 5th floor. Josh has not passed the swallow test for the second time. His lunks are still junky but he is breathing better.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Latest on Joshua

The doctors have removed the tubes from his mouth. He is breathing on his own. However, he is having a hard time clearing his lungs and it is difficult for him to cough. He is able to talk now.

Josh’s blood pressure is fluctuating. His blood loss situation is getting better. He has some anxiety right now. The doctors are giving him medication to treat the symptoms. He is starting to sleep more. I am not sure whether it is the lack of sleep, medication, or Afghanistan that is causing the anxiety, but it could be a combination of all three. From what I understand, this is normal for someone in his condition. Overall, things do seem like they are improving.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Update on Joshua

The doctors have started weaning Josh off pain medication. They have discontinued giving Josh sedation medication. The doctors plan on taking him off the ventilator tomorrow. His fever is back to normal. The doctors have given him additional blood due to blood loss. The reason for the blood loss is still unknown at this time.